Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I have been thinking...

I know.

Thinking is a very scary thing for me to do.

But I have been.

And I have deduced the following:

I am so extremely selfish.

All I care about is me. My needs now, what I want now. I so infrequently ask how people are doing. I want attention, but I hardly ever give it to anyone else. I want people to pray for my needs, but I hardly ever intercede on the behalf of the people I love. And this is so terrible!!

After all my Savior did for me, I must offer something in return though ministering to the saints.

To all of you whom I have dumped on without a thought, to those of you who I said I will pray for you and never did, for those of you who felt like I really wasn't listening, please accept my sincerest and most heartfelt apology.

So, tell me. How can I pray for you? How can I lift you up?


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