It is an interesting thing, my age.
What is every more interesting is that most people do not perceive me at the age I am.
I have calculated that the average age people think I am is 21.5.
When I was 12, someone asked me how old my baby was. When I was 16, the lady at the grocery store asked me how old my daughter was. Many a time, people mistake the gold ring on my left hand for a wedding ring.
The managing director of the retreat center that I work thinks it is fun to ask people who do not know me how old I am. Before they answer, I tell them that it is a mean question and they lower their guess. Today it was 20 and 21.
I have learned to smile at people when they ask me how many children I have. It warms my heart when people tell me that I am mature-the compliment I receive most often for sure.
But I am starting to this looking older than my age going to catch up to me someday?
What are people going to say when I am 50?