Friday, December 22, 2006

A Lesson Well Learned

We went to Wal-Mart today. On December 22. We must have idiot writtien across our foreheads.


Lindsay said...

Well, if going on December 22 makes you an idiot, I'm not sure what I am...I went on December 23!

Mel said...

I did the same thing but I just ran in for pics I'd paid for online and right back out. The hardest part was getting out of the parking space.

P.S. I posted a new blog entry!

Miss Liss said...

I went yesterday on the 23rd too, Lindsay! I was going to avoid it, but amy called me and was like, "Mellie, we need to go to the mall! I don't have a present for my mom!" So we went. It was not too bad actually. It was less crazy than I thought it would be.

Bossxero said...
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